Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Who, What, Why, and How of This…..

The Who: 

Many of the people who I assume my read this    will already know the physical me, and some know the philosophical and ideological me.  However, background information, I have found helps for understanding the context of ideas.  Without at least a small self-portrait, that illustrates the essence of thought and ideas, the wrong impression can be made.

I was born in the suburbs of Chicago to two educated, professional, working class parents.  Both parents were teachers, homeowners, and involved parents that made sure my sister and I had every opportunity.  My father became a corporate trainer when I was 3, and did that until a business trip to Southern Illinois in 1984.  My father got Legionnaire’s Disease from the hotel he stayed at; from that point on our family’s path would wind through the future like an uncharted path in the mountains.  We moved to AZ in 1986, I was 8 -- almost 9, it gave me the unique characteristic from the rest of my family, I am an Arizonian.  So my ideals and principles were shaped by the culture of the West and the people who make up that culture.  I do carry a lot of the same values of my family, but my view of those values comes from a different perspective. 

Most of my youth and teen years were spent on a ball field, mostly baseball.  When I was 15 – almost 16, I found politics.  My father ran a “make a point” campaign for the Phoenix City Council, I loved it and many of my ideas were brought up during the campaign.  I knew this is what I wanted to do.  In 2000, I continued my education in politics, as a volunteer for Tom Liddy for Congress.  Tom is the son of G. Gordon Liddy, and would have been a great representative for the East Valley and AZ; he lost to Congressman Jeff Flake (who is a great representative for AZ).  In 2002, I worked as Campaign Manager for John McComish for State House, and Sal DiCiccio for Secretary of State.  I also helped Scott Bundgaard startup his run for Congress that year.  Three campaigns, three loses; the experience was great and I met wonderful people who expanded my view of politics, ideas, and the view of collective public.  In 2004, my friend John McComish again ran for State House, this time winning in a hard fought campaign.

Late in August, I interviewed for a position with a Think Tank in DC.  I was hired and moved to DC in mid-September.  I have been in DC metro area (Specifically NOVA) since then and built a career as a government (Federal, State, and Local) management expert. 

I have not been involved in politics here in VA, but have followed and tried to advise AZ state leaders.  I am married, and a father.  I am architect of the future.  I am a political underdog.   

The What:

This …. , I hope will be a expression of solutions.  Notice, I did not say beliefs, thoughts, or opinions.  I do understand that I may from time to time express all three of those items; however, I hope that each of those will lead to a solution.  I ask myself, and any readers to try not to get caught in the tendencies to “make it a bitch session”.  I hope this will be an expression of solutions

The Why:

I love public affairs, politics, and our democracy; I have ideas and solutions, which my wife is sick of hearing about “what I would do”, she wants me to get them out for people to see.  This is my start to taking those ideas and solutions out of my head and into a forum. 

I am moderate who is watching the rhetoric of opinion become fact, and the leaders we choose to guide us get bogged down in issue rather than the problem.  We the everyday citizens are not focused on the problem so we focus on the issue, and ignore any solutions.  I want to continue the evolution of this great experiment of our country, so my son and his children can build on the foundation.  This forum is an outlet to focus on the problems and the solutions, even if they are painful.  For god sake, we should be able to take some pain, we are Americans!!!

The How:

I plan to post my thoughts and solutions.  I am going to invite friends to post.  I will encourage comments and feedback, but I will censor this site for inappropriate posting.  Inappropriate to me is not about foul language, but the context of it.  If you make a comment that to me is bullying, or done with malice it will be removed.  This is my site, I am not the government, and there is no such thing as absolute freedom of speech.  This site is meant for identifying problems, not issues; for ideas and solutions; for debate and discussion.  

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